The Modules

Last updated: August 6th, 2020


Get a quick overview of your stats with graphs and key numbers on your dashboard. See your total income for the current month, expected income for the total month, your daily average income, and more. Switch between months and currency. You also see selected operator deals from Voonix Marketplace.


Advertiser earnings

This is your main report, where all your Advertiser stats will show. See clicks, signups, active players, depositors, FTD, CPA, rev Income, CPA income, extra fees, total income, and different conversion percentages. All columns can be enabled/disabled in your profile settings.

You can filter stats by period, affiliate software, and the search field. Use the quick links to switch between months easily.

In your advertiser earnings report you have 3 different view levels:

  1. Advertiser level
  2. Account level (access this by clicking the advertiser name)
  3. Campaign/marketing source level (access this by clicking the username)

Daily Breakdown

Use Daily Breakdown to see daily stats for your Advertisers. The report is very similar to Advertiser earnings - you just have the option to expand each advertiser in a daily breakdown.

See daily stats on Advertiser level, Advertiser login level and Campaign/Sources level.


Site earnings

Here you will see your stats grouped by Sites. Use Site earnings to get an overview of your stats grouped by websites/traffic sources. Allow you to see anything from clicks to revenues from each traffic source you own. This is a manual set up - see here how to add Sites in Voonix.

See here how to add Sites in Voonix.


Country earnings

Here you will see your stats grouped by country. This is a manual set up.

See here how to set up Country earnings.


Compare report

Easily compare your stats with our compare report. Select two periods you wish to compare. Choose to compare all types of stats (Clicks, Signups, FTDs and more) or just selected ones. You can compare on Advertiser level, Advertiser login level or campaign/source level.


Data monitor

Monitor your data in Voonix. Be notified when Sign ups, Deposit value, FTDs, CPAs or Revshare increases or descreases. Select your own limits for when you want to be notified.


Advertiser group earnings

See your stats listed by advertiser groups. Group your advertisers in bigger groups to get a more overall view of your stats. E.g group your advertisers by affiliate programs like Ivy Affiliates, Rock Solid Affiliates, and more.


Account group earnings

See your stats listed by account groups. Group your accounts in bigger groups to get a more overall view of your stats. E.g. group an employee’s accounts to gather all stats in one group.


Site group earnings

See your stats listed by sites groups. Group your sites in bigger groups if you have a lot of sites in Voonix. E.g. PPC, SEO, and more.


Campaign group earnings

See your stats listed by campaign groups. Group your campaigns in bigger groups and use the report to see the grouped data.


Country report

This is your country report straight from the affiliate system. Note: currently ONLY for Netrefer brands.


Customer report

This is your customer report straight from the affiliate systems Note: currently ONLY supported for Omarsys brands.



This is where you manage your Advertisers. Create new Advertisers, edit your existing Advertisers, and delete an Advertiser.


See here how create Advertisers.

Advertiser logins

This is where you manage your Advertiser logins (your affiliate accounts). Create new Advertiser login, edit your existing Advertiser login, change deals, and delete an Advertiser login.


See here how create Advertisers logins.

This is also where you can manually do an import and see if there are any account issues you need to fix. Read more about this here.


This is where you manage your Sites. Create new Sites, edit your existing Sites, and delete Site.


See here how to create a Site.


Manage your campaigns/marketing sources with this module. You can group, add notes, add alias, add deals, delete and link/unlink campaigns to your Sites.

See here how to link campaigns.


Custom stats

Add custom stats manually in Voonix. Such as extra fees, bonuses, etc. The custom stats will be added to your Advertiser earnings report.


See here how to add custom stats.

Report customization

Add up to 10 custom columns. You are able to use these for manually inserted data into Voonix. It will accept either "Whole numbers" or "Decimal" as type. Inserting the value as anything other than selected value may result in incorrect data or further issues.



Voonix Marketplace contains everything that relates to communication with operators:

Post offers to the operators. If an operator finds your offer interesting, they have the option of writing you through a Voonix chat in order to close a deal.

Find deals and offers posted by operators, chat directly with the operators and much more.



Manage your payers from where you generate income each month. Add payment to each payer when receiving your money. This will give you an overview of generated income vs. received payment for each month under Payments. Also create an invoice for each of your payers directly from Voonix.


Read more about this module here.


Keep track of your payments each month. Voonix will synchronize your income with your payment months. This will give you an overview of your earnings from month to month.


Read more about this module.

Invoice details

Set up your invoice details that will be used, when creating invoices for each of your payers.



Here you can edit some of your system preferences. Enable/disable the hidden password function, enable/disable help tooltips, and change the system currency. You can also do the set up to connect Voonix with your Single sign-on by Google and sign up for our email notifications.



Here you can edit some of your system preferences. Enable/disable the hidden password function, enable/disable help tooltips, and change the system currency. You can also do the set up to connect Voonix with your Single sign-on by Google and sign up for our email notifications.



This is where you can see our in-system notifications.



This is where you manage your users. Create new users, edit your existing users reset passwords, and disable users.



Retrieve reports, upload custom stats and update avdertiser and login details with our API. Read more here


Import status

Keep track of each import on your server. See import time and output for each advertiser.


Import queue

Keep track of all imports in queue. See status and time for all advertisers.


Import schedule

Use the import schedule to edit your hourly imports. E.g if you want to import historical data; change one hourly import from the current month to e.g January 2020.


Read more about import schedules.

Data validation

Use this module to validate your data and see what type of data each of your accounts are able to import. See if data fields are available and are being imported, see if data fields are unavailable in the affiliate system and see if data fields are available from the affiliate system but not to be found in your account.



Keep you updated with the newest features and updates from Voonix here.

Import script request

Here you can make a request for unsupported affiliate systems.


Help Center

Go to our Help center to find user manuals, video tutorials, FAQs and more.

Much more coming to our help center in the future.